Sunday, January 26th, 2025 @ 12:00 PM In the Church Sanctuary
Matt Holladay (President, Board of Trustees) hereby notifies legal members of First Unitarian Church of Memphis, Church of the River, to meet for the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 26th, 2025. The meeting will be held in person in the Sanctuary immediately following the service. The meeting will have the following agenda items:
- The Committee on Ministry will report on its activities
- The Endowment Committee will report on the status of our endowment fund investments
- The Treasurer will report on the financial status of the church
- The Annual Budget Canvass Team will report on last year's fundraising results for 2024.
- We will vote on the Finance Committee's proposed 2025 church operating budget (as approved by the Board of Trustees)
President: Matt Holladay
Vice-President: Gordon Bradley
Secretary: Carol Fourmy
Treasurer: Lisa Jennings
Members: Christopher Douglas, Porter Feild, Paul Herman, Lynette Larkin, Jay Martin, Ron Peck, Paula Turner
Ex Officio: Rev. Sam Teitel
Welcome to the First Unitarian Church of Memphis - The Church of the River
Who are we? As part of the liberal Unitarian Universalist denomination, we're a diverse, progressive and caring congregation. We care about social justice, the environment and each other. We welcome you no matter where you come from, what color your skin is or who you love. If you're looking for a community of like-minded people to help you grow your soul, raise compassionate children, and live a fuller life, we invite you to join us.
Sunday Morning Schedule
- Worship Service: in the Sanctuary or livestreamed in the Mississippi River Room, 11:00-12:00
- Younger children: nursery and preschool rooms are open, 9:30-12:30
- Supervised play for all children: available 9:30-11:00
- High School Youth Group: Grades 9-12, 9:45-10:45
- Elementary Level Faith Development: children 5-12 years old, 11:00-12:00